Detention and alternatives to detention in Germany , Date: 2014.06.24, Order number: FFWP59, format: Working paper, area: Authority

This focus study examines the legal basis and the organisational procedures of detention pending exit from the federal territory, pre-removal detention and detention pending deportation, the conditions in the detention facilities as well as the possible alternative coercive measures in order to forcefully end a person’s residence or to refuse entry to the Federal territory.

Germany's federal structure and increasing EU integration has resulted in the emergence of a complex legal and regulatory organisational structure in relation to issues regarding the detention of third-country nationals. Some Federal Länder have issued their own decrees and laws to supplement and specify the provisions set forth in the Residence Act and the General Administrative Regulations relating to the Residence Act. Generally speaking, it is important to establish whether the deprivation of liberty is proportional for the purpose of safeguarding deportation, or whether it could also be implemented successfully by imposing less restrictive but also sufficient measures.

In 2013, more than 4,300 persons were detained pending deportation in the Federal Länder over the course of the year. All in all, the number is declining since 2008.

Working Paper 59 was drawn up by the national contact office of the European Migration Network (EMN) located in the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) as Germany's contribution to a Europe-wide comparative investigation and co-financed by EU funds.

Study compiled by: Janne Grote

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