The Migration, Integration, Asylum - Policy Report 2020 , Date: 2022.09.30, format: report, area: Authority

The annual policy report of the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) describes relevant developments of the year 2020 in migration, integration and asylum policy.

As usual, the 17th Policy Report of the EMN provides an overview of the most important political, legal and institutional developments in 2020 in the following areas:

  • general political, legal and institutional structure,
  • legal migration and mobility,
  • international protection and asylum,
  • unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable groups,
  • integration and antidiscrimination,
  • citizenship and statelessness,
  • border control and visa policy,
  • irregular migration and migrant smuggling,
  • returns,
  • trafficking in human beings, and
  • migration and development.

The EU-wide comparative report entitled "Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2020" summarises the results of 25 national policy reports, and thus provides a helpful overview of EU-wide developments. The comparative annual report is available in three different formats:

  • the detailed EMN Annual Report,
  • the compact EMN Inform on the EMN Annual Report, and
  • the one-page EMN Flash on the EMN Annual Report.

The comparative reports are only available in English. The national policy report 2020 "Migration, Integration, Asyl in Deutschland 2020" is available in German.

The national policy report and the EU-wide comparative reports are available for download. Authors of the Policy Report: Friederike Haberstroh, Claudia Lechner, Janne Grote und Nelia Miguel Mueller