Migration, Integration, Asylum - Policy Report 2016 , Date: 2017.06.16, format: report, area: Authority

The 2016 Policy Report of the German National Contact Point for the European Migration Network (EMN) gives an overview over the most important political discussions and developments in the areas of migration, integration and asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany in the year 2016.

As in 2015, dealing with a persistently high number of protection seekers was the main issue. However, during 2016, the political, social and administrative focus shifted gradually from organizing the newcomers’ reception and registration and accelerating asylum procedures towards the allocation of protection seekers to individual municipalities, towards integration and towards voluntary and forced returns of those persons whose asylum applications were rejected.

Developments in the policy areas of legal migration and mobility, international protection and asylum, unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable groups, integration and anti-discrimination, return migration, irregular migration, actions against human trafficking and migration and development are covered. The report also describes the general structure of the political and legal system in Germany.

The report documents the many legislative changes in residence, asylum and integration law which came into force in the single policy areas in 2016. These include the Act on the Introduction of Fast-Track Asylum Procedures (Asylum Package II), the Act on the Faster Expulsion of Criminal Foreigners and Extended Reasons for Refusing Refugee Recognition to Criminal Asylum Seekers, the Integration Act and its accompanying Ordinance or the Data Sharing Improvement Act. The report also refers to measures taken by the Federal Republic of Germany in the framework of the European harmonisation of migration and asylum policies or measures which concern der Federal Republic.

The 2016 Policy Report was authored as part of the European Migration Network (EMN).

The Policy Report was drawn up by: Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Janne Grote, Julian Tangermann, Özlem Konar

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