Synthesis Report: Identification of victims of trafficking in human beings in international protection and forced return procedures , Date: 2014.08.11, format: report, area: Authority

This Synthesis Report presents the main findings of the Third 2013 EMN Focussed Study on “Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures”. The aim of the Study was to examine whether, and how, potential victims of trafficking in human beings are detected and identified in these procedures in (Member) State.

The Synthesis Report is based on the findings presented in 24 National Reports and developed in collaboration with the European Commission, EMN National Contact Points (NCPs) and the EMN Service Provider.

The outcomes of this study are primarily intended to inform policymakers and practitioners.

The German contribution to this synthesis report and the respective Synthesis Report are available as a PDF by clicking in the section entitled "Dowlnloads".