EMN Synthesis Report: Assisted Return to and Reintegration in Third Countries , Date: 2011.03.22, format: report, area: Authority

This Synthesis Report summaries the main findings of the National Reports for the EMN Study on Programmes and Strategies in the EU Member States fostering Assisted Return to and Reintegration in Third Countries undertaken by EMN National Contact Points from 22 Member States (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom).
The purpose of this study was to map the different forms of Assisted Return that are in place in the EU Member States, thereby facilitating a comparative analysis and providing a basis to support any further policy development at national and EU level that might be undertaken. It does this by outlining inter alia the various approaches of Assisted Return programmes of the Member States in order to identify lessons learned, best practices and possible synergies to further develop and improve Assisted Return programmes in the EU.