EMN Inform: Attracting and Protecting the Rights of Seasonal Workers in the EU and United Kingdom , Date: 2020.12.22, format: report, area: Authority

For many EU countries, seasonal workers from third countries are crucial to fill temporary, cyclical labour market needs.

What is the profile of seasonal workers from third countries in the EU? Do Member States and the UK place specific efforts on attracting seasonal workers to address labour market needs? What measures did Member States introduce to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic?

This inform summarises the results of the EMN study of the same title which provides a comparative overview of recent trends, national policies and practices in place related to seasonal workers from third countries.

The German EMN study as well as a more detailed presentation of the results of the European comparative report may be found in the EMN Synthesis Report. An EMN-Flash presents the key findings in a nutshell on one page (see "Downloads" under "Further information").

The German study as well as the EMN Inform and Flash are available in German and English.

This download is available in other languages, too.