EMN Flash #9 - 2019: Attraction and Retaining of Start-Ups from Abroad in EU Member States , Date: 2020.09.16, format: report, area: Authority

The EMN-Flash #9 – 2019 "How do EU Member States attract and retain start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs from abroad?" provides a one-page overview of key findings of the EMN synthesis report on the migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs in the European Union. All in all 25 studies from EU Member States were included. The EMN-Flash can be found as an English and German version.

The German EMN study as well as a more detailed presentation of the results of the European comparative report may be found in the EMN Synthesis Report and in a more summarized version in the EMN Inform on this topic (see "Downloads" under "Further information").

The English version of the German study will be published soon.