EMN Flash #2 - 2022: Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings , Date: 2024.02.20, format: report, area: Authority , Detection, identification and protection

How do EU Member States, Norway and Georgia tackle human trafficking of third-country nationals?

The EMN Flash provides an overview of measures and best practices for the detection, identification and protection of third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings in 25 EU Member States, Norway and Georgia in the period from January 2015 to December 2020.

The EMN Flash briefly summarises the key findings of the comparative EMN study on "Third-country nationals who are victims of human trafficking: detection, identification and protection" on just one page and is only available in English. A longer summary is provided in the EMN Inform. The EMN Germany Paper provides a more comprehensive presentation of the results for Germany (see "Downloads" under Further information).