Developing a blockchain solution in the German asylum process in compliance with data protection , Date: 2019.08.22, format: Whitepaper, area: Authority

The BAMF is currently developing a blockchain solution for cooperation between authorities in the asylum process, together with the “Business & Information Systems Engineering” Project Group of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) and two implementation partners. After a feasibility study had been successfully carried out, work was started in August 2018 on the pilot phase in cooperation with the Saxony Land Directorate (LDS) for a blockchain solution to be used in the AnkER facility in Dresden.

The pilot project has already largely successfully completed the planning phase. This phase particularly involved establishing a system architecture in compliance with data protection, as well as a correction and erasure concept in order to comply with the stipulations and data subject rights defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In addition, a governance concept was drawn up which regulates the distribution of decision-making competences and responsibilities in terms of data protection, and with regard to both technical and organisational matters.
The whitepaper provides an insight into the current status of the project, and reveals the fundamental design principles for how blockchain technology is to be used in the public administration in compliance with data protection.