Series of Articles , format: Article, area: Authority

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The articles on migration and integration include results from the Federal Office's research activities, some of which have been drawn up together with external authors. They also include co-operation projects and volumes of essays based on conferences held at the Federal Office. The series however also contains papers which have been written as part of the Federal Office's doctoral programme.

The articles on migration and integration exclusively reflect the authors' opinions.

Evaluation of the residence obligation in accordance with section 12a of the Residence Act , Date: 2023.08.29, format: report, This download is available in other languages, too., area: Authority

On behalf of the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ), empirica ag, in cooperation with the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder, evaluated the effect of the residence obligation in accordance with section 12a of the Residence on the sustainable integration of the persons covered by the regulation into the living conditions of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Processes of distancing from Salafist extremism , Date: 2022.01.31, format: report, This download is available in other languages, too., area: Authority

What are the triggers and conditions that lead to people wishing to disassociate themselves from Salafism? How do the paths of distancing differ? What can advice achieve? Information is provided by the results of the network study entitled "Practice-orientated analysis of deradicalisation processes" ("PrADera").

INTER:SECTIONS 2.0 , Date: 2022.01.27, format: report, This download is available in other languages, too., area: Authority

What roles do various stakeholders in the (security) authorities and civil society organisations play in deradicalisation and exit work? What lessons can be learned from the science-based monitoring of the advice centres? These and other questions are addressed in the second anthology published by the BAMF's Research Centre, entitled "INTER:SECTIONS 2.0".

Deradicalisation and disengagement work , Date: 2021.08.27, format: report, This download is available in other languages, too., area: Authority

The book is designed as a companion guide to the skill-building course on counselling, including for the social environment, concerning the phenomenon of Islamist-motivated extremism. It contains brief articles on a variety of topics related to practical counselling work, as well as to relevant bodies of knowledge on religiously-motivated extremism and radicalisation.

INTER:SECTIONS , Date: 2021.04.27, format: report, This download is available in other languages, too., area: Authority

The anthology entitled "INTER:SECTIONS. Findings from research and counselling practice on Islamist extremism" contains a variety of articles from the FoPraTEx network of researchers working at advice centres. FoPraTEx is the acronym for "Research-practice exchange concerning the phenomenon of Islamist extremism".

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