Management and organisation , format: Organigramm

The Migration, Integration and Asylum Research Centre is organizationally assigned to the Vice President as an independent unit.


  • Portrait of a man Dr. Axel Kreienbrink Source: © BAMF

    Dr. Axel Kreienbrink holds a degree in history and political science. He studied in Osnabrück and Madrid. After completing his doctorate at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at the University of Osnabrück, he joined the newly created research group at the Federal Office as a researcher in 2005. In 2007, he took over as head of the Migration Research division, which deals with various topics such as regular and irregular migration, return migration, emigration, asylum, potentials of migration, as well as migration and development, the European Migration Network (EMN), Muslims in Germany, and deradicalisation. At the end of 2019, he was appointed as Sub-Director of the research centre. He has headed the research centre since 2022.

    To profile and curriculum vitae

Research fields and divisions

The BAMF Research Centre has three research fields reflecting central topics within research on migration and integration.

To the alphabetical list of all researchers

  • Research management, office of the Scientific Advisory Board Headed by: Christoph Walz

    Division FZ1 combines the areas of research management and the office of the Scientific Advisory Board under one roof. The division works closely together with the three research fields of the BAMF Research Centre. In terms of research management, it can be understood as the service unit for the Research Centre. Along with all the administrative tasks, it largely performs cross-sectional tasks in the field of research and project management.

  • International migration and migration management Headed by: Tatjana Baraulina

    Research field I "International migration and migration management" addresses a varied range of topics, focussing on migration and displacement movements to Germany and Europe, return migration and reintegration, migration and security. In accordance with the legal mandate, the primary goal is to obtain scientific knowledge for the migration and refugee policy management. Further, studies are conducted for the European Migration Network (EMN).

    Researchers: Friederike Alm, Kaan Atanisev, Maria Bitterwolf, Philipp Heiermann, Dr. Lisa Johnson, Dr. Christian Kothe, Claudia Lechner, Nelia Miguel Müller, Dr. Alina Neitzert, Dr. Laura Peitz, Marita Selig, Randy Stache, Dr. Florian Tissot

  • Integration and social cohesion Headed by: Dr. Nina Rother

    Research field II "Integration and social cohesion" deals with the life situations and integration of persons with a migration background, as well as with questions related to social cohesion. The main area of work is the implementation of own empirical studies, with the aim to describe and analyse integration processes – also those of specific target groups – as well as the resulting social developments in Germany.

    Researchers: Dr. Christian Babka von Gostomski, Eugenie Becker, Dr. Jan Eckhard, Cristina Gockeln, Dr. Pia Homrighausen, Ramona Kay, Alexandra Korbut, Dr. Amrei Maddox, Wenke Niehues, Kathrin Pfündel, Dr. Salwan Saif, Dr. Manuel Siegert, Dr. Anja Stichs, Dr. Kerstin Tanis, Jan Zerche

  • Migration and integration: long-term monitoring and series of reports Headed by: Dr. Susanne Worbs

    Research field III focuses on the long-term observation of migration and integration processes in Germany, and the related concepts. This involves publishing regular series of reports on third-country nationals ("Educational and Labour Migration Monitoring"), EU nationals ("Freedom of Movement Monitoring"), as well as the social structure and qualifications of asylum applicants (so-called "Soko analyses"). Another focus is the preparation of the Federal Government's annual Migration Report, as well as carrying out selected research projects.

    Researchers: Johannes Graf, Barbara Heß, Dr. Matthias Huber, Özlem Konar, Johannes Weber

  • The Research Data Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FDZ) provides research institutions with scientific data on the topics of migration and integration. The data offered includes data from the Central Register of Foreigners and vocational language courses as well as quantitative survey data from the BAMF Research Centre.

    Researchers: Dr. Gwendolin Bloßfeld, Dr. Tina Hinz, Dr. Susanne Schührer,