The Common European Asylum System – CEAS , Date: 2019.11.14, format: Article, area: Asylum and refugee protection

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The EU has been working on the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) since 1999. A number of legal acts have been adopted in asylum and refugee policy since then which today form the basis for a region of refugee protection and solidarity in the EU. The core element of the Common System today is the harmonisation of the standards of protection and reception across the EU. The latter are intended to ensure that asylum-seekers are given international protection under the same conditions in the entire EU.

Since the number of people who apply for asylum in the EU every year is however not spread evenly among the Member States, it is a major concern to jointly shoulder responsibility for protecting displaced persons. A contribution towards a fair distribution among the Member States is also made by the reform proposals within the Dublin regulations, which are adjusted to the changing situation where necessary.